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The Southern Rugby Alliance (SRA) is a not-for-profit organisation that was established in 2020 to assist the development of grass roots rugby in the Southern Regions of Sydney (including the St George Area, Sutherland Shire, Illawarra, Campbelltown and Macarthur) and create a clear pathway for players in these regions to participate in and aspire to playing professional rugby union.
About Us: About Us
The Southern Rugby Alliance INC (ABN 42 512 698 742) (“SRA”) is a not-for-profit organisation that was established in 2020.
The SRA became a fundraising partner of the Australian Sports Foundation (“ASF”). The SRA is registered as a Foundation and is conducted under the charter of the ASF. The ASF was established by the Australian Government to raise funds through public and corporate donations for the development of sport in Australia. The ASF’s listing in the Income Tax Assessment Act (1977) means donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Registration with the ASF allows donations to the ASF in support of the Foundation to attract tax deduction.
Our Story
The SRA Foundation was established by a group of individuals who identified a need to assist the development of grassroots rugby in the Southern Regions of Sydney (including the St George Area, Sutherland Shire, Illawarra, Campbelltown and Macarthur) and create a clear pathway for players in these regions to participate in and aspire to playing professional rugby union.
The provisions of the Constitution enshrine the purposes of the SRA Foundation, which is to provide the means to assist and financially support the development of rugby in the Southern Regions of Sydney. In addition, the SRA Foundation has been established to provide a means to assist in the acquisition and development of the infrastructure necessary for the Southern Districts Rugby Union Club (“SDRUC”) to facilitate competitions, training programs and nurture both the current and future generations of players in the catchment area.
To be clear for all of our members, sponsors and donors:
The assets of the SRA Foundation are kept separate from those of the SDRUC;
The decision as to the expenditure of the contributions is made independently by the Foundation Directors;
The SRA Foundation is structured with a separate governing Board and a Constitution, which directs the Board to apply funds in accordance with the terms of the Constitution;
The SRA Foundation is also required to provide quarterly reports to the ASF which monitors the SRA to ensure its expenditure complies with qualifying expenditure as agreed with the provisions of the ASF; and
All SRA Foundation contributors are welcome to review the financial records, attend any Committee/Board meetings or provide any input or suggestions for future projects or fundraising activities.
The SRA Foundation aims to provide financial assistance to the Club in:
Sustained on-field success including player welfare and development for young men and women playing rugby in Grade, Colts, and Juniors;
Development of a pathway for boys and girls rugby in the catchment area;
Support and development of our junior clubs; and
Improvement of SDRUC facilities and amenities;
Community engagement, social inclusion, and support for our local players and the broader rugby community.
About Us: Text
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